chloe is a graphic design student with a love for all things nice.
a logo I created for a local business startup.
logo for the inaugural gin festival in Brisbane
a concept presented as part of my high school graduate design folio
experimentation in map design and way finding for university building
Part of my university course work, these posters are a commentary and critique on news and print media. Inspiration stems from the quote, "those who do not read the news are un-informed, those who do read the news are mis-informed."
Concept net packaging for toy. The box is a three dimensional hexagonal prism designed to fit the toy for sale and also act as a part of play equipment.
concept design for toy packaging
illustration featuring bespoke pattern design
illustration featuring bespoke pattern design
hand illustrated bullet journal design
hand illustrated bullet journal design
This concept poster was part of University course work.
concept magazine design focusing on sustainability from birth to death.
Infographic design as part of TAFE Certificate III course work.
concept packaging design and logo for beauty company
spoof newspaper focusing on 'fake news' and deception in modern print and digital media
Concept logo and branding for MAD MEX Mexican food. This work was part of my high school graduating graphics folio.
Concept logo and branding for MAD MEX Mexican food. This work was part of my high school graduating graphics folio.
design for a board game focusing on societies dependency on mobile phones
design for a board game focusing on societies dependency on mobile phones
My major body of work in Visual Art for 2017 was a nominee for Creative Generations Excellence in Art Awards exhibited at University of Sunshine Coast gallery.